SMU MBA SEM 4 – ML0017- Mall Management SUMMER 2016
SMU MBA SUMMER 2016-2017
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SMU MBA SUMMER 2016 Assignments are available. For Booking ,Kindly mail us on OR call us to +91 9995105420 or S M S your “ Email ID ” us in the following Format “ On +91 9995105420 we will reach back you with in 24H ”
Master of Business Administration – MBA
ML0017- Mall Management
Q.1: Explain Branding and list Brand elements.
Elaborate Branding List Brand elements
Elaborate Branding List Brand elements:
Brand management refers to the process in which marketing practices are applied to a specific product, line of products, or brands. Proper branding increases sale of every product that are linked to that brand. For instance, if
Q.2: Write short notes on Fire Safety and Maintenance System.
Fire Safety Maintenance System
Fire Safety Maintenance System:
Fire protection comprises the study and practice of alleviating the undesirable effects of potentially destructive fires. It comprises the study of the compartmentalization, behaviour, suppression and investigation
Q.3: Explain factor that affect an organization
Elaborate retailer macro environment
Elaborate retailer macro environment:
Various forces in a retailer’s ecosystem affect the business which are truly external macroscopic factors and are uncontrollable from the retailer’s perspective. Demographic, legal, policy, social, economic,
Q.4: Elaborate SWOT Analysis
Explain SWOT analysis with an example
Explain SWOT analysis with an example:
Any analysis within any firm begins with self-analysis. SWOT is one such method through which an organization
Q.5: List out all points in setting marketing objectives. Explain measuring success of marketing plan.
Points in setting marketing objectives success of marketing plan
Points in setting marketing objectives success of marketing plan:
A marketing plan’s
Q.6: Explain crime prevention strategies for shopping malls.
Explain crime prevention strategies
Explain crime prevention strategies
Following are crime prevention strategies ensuring the security of shopping malls:
- Security
SMU MBA SUMMER 2016-2017
Dear Students,
SMU MBA SUMMER 2016 Assignments are available. For Booking ,Kindly mail us on OR call us to +91 9995105420 or S M S your “ Email ID ” us in the following Format “ On +91 9995105420 we will reach back you with in 24H ”