SEM 4 – MU
Fall/ August 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0015 —Compensation Benefits – 4 Credits
(Book ID:1336)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1.Describe flexible workforce in detail.
Answer : Thanks to the changing employment situation, today, the average workforce of an organization is far different to that of a few years ago. More and more companies are going for different kinds of employee engagements like temporary staff, consultants, freelancers, contractors, sub-contractors and so on. This brings with it its own particular sets of advantages and disadvantages for organizations. Managing the flexible workforce of a company needs a different set of policies and strategies.
Some of the key reasons or trends for the emergence of flexible workforce below:
1. Retention of women employees:
Over 60 % of women opt out of full-time work within 6-8 years of employment, but 93% of these women want to return to work part-time. Companies that tap into this talent pool by accommodating their request for flexibility in working hours will create a competitive advantage in the labor market.
2. Retirement of baby boomers:
Companies in certain sectors will face a significant skilled labor shortage with a huge number of experienced people eligible for retirement in the next ten years. Many of these baby boomer (people born between 1945 and 1965) employees, however, would prefer working in a flexible capacity rather than going for retirement. Many companies would prefer to retain them on flexi-hours engagement, as they prove to be highly beneficial, especially in the absence of a proper knowledge management system.
3. The Retention of the voluntary workforce: In certain high-tech sectors, many highly skilled employees no longer have to work as they would have earned and saved enough for a life time and are leaving because they are unhappy with a lack of work- life balance. Companies are ready to accommodate their need for flexibility in working hours rather than losing out on highly skilled workforce.
4. Challenges of global teams: Today, due to globalization, more and more people are required to work continuously in order to communicate and collaborate with colleagues around the world. Due to this, people are experiencing a feeling of burnout and employers have no option but think beyond 9 to 5 and implement flexible schedules to accommodate these challenging logistics.
Some of the different types of work arrangements that accommodate a flexible work force below:
Job sharing: Here, the full time job is split between two co-workers and benefits are given in proportion based on the number of hours put in by each employee.
Daily flexible choice: In this the log-in and log-out time may vary daily.
Open flexible choice: In this the employees can choose the total number of hours required to complete the specific task.
Compressed week choice: Here, employees have a choice to work for less than five days in a week.
Comp-off: In this, the employees can extend their timings on busy days and use that later for compensatory time off.
Types of locations:
Satellite options: These are remote work centers like satellite work centers which are provided by the employers.
Telecommuting: Employees work from home for a few days in a week via telecommunications and then work out of office on the remaining days.
Tele working: Employees work from home on all the days of the week via telecommunications.
This flexi-time arrangement has a lot of benefits for both the employers and the employees.
The benefits for the employees are:
- Provides an opportunity for workers who are disabled.
- Working parents can meet their family obligations.
- Saves commuting time.
- Provides time and location flexibility.
- Reduces job related stress and also interruptions at the workplace.
- The benefits for the employers are: Influences employees in a positive way. Improves productivity.
- Reduces absenteeism.
- Improves employee job satisfaction, job performance and work quality.
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- Reduces costs related to environmental requirements, time, space, employee safety, relocation of the employees, and productivity.
- Helps in retention of voluntary workforce, women and baby boomers. Companies can terminate contingent workers services more easily.
With respect to compensation and benefits paid to the flexible workforce, most companies pay an hourly wage, which is fixed on the basis of the complexity of work as well as the skill sets of the employee. No amount of paid leave, insurance and legally required benefits like gratuity and retirement benefits are paid.
Q2.Define internal equity and explain its importance.
Q3.What is CTC? What are the components of CTC?
Q4.What are the elements of compensation?
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Q6.Ms.Deepa Mehra is the VP-HR of Induslink Network. She is assigned the task of finding a new CEO for the company and fixing the compensation. What are the trends that she will have to look into before finalizing the compensation package for the CEO?
Fall/ August 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0015 —Compensation Benefits – 4 Credits
(Book ID:1336)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1.What are the major issues related to repatriation?
Answer : The term repatriation refers to bringing the employees who are on an international assignment back to the home country. It is very important to manage repatriation of employees in a very careful way. A poorly managed repatriation can lead to a feeling of frustration and cynicism in the employees. These feelings can be worse than the culture shock experienced in the first weeks of the assignment. It requires transparency in repatriation policy, sharing information on the career progression path, degree and support from the organisation during the international tenure and so on. Many organisations develop and share documented guidelines with respect to overseas assignment, so that the employees understand the rules and regulations and also know what to expect. Expatriate managers often return to the home office with a wealth of experience and perspectives. Yet, poor repatriation processes are blamed for underutilizing talent, losing human capital, and discouraging skilled managers from accepting overseas assignments (Gregersen and Black, 1995). Often the impact of repatriation for the employee is far greater than that of the original move to the host location. The move abroad is usually exciting, involving a promotion or at the very least, an increase in peer status.
Also, the day to day impact of life in the new culture is more keenly felt by the spouse and children, who interact with it on a far more personal basis. Moreover, the employee will be chosen for a particular skill set, which are generally appreciated by the new team as an asset. As the project comes to an end, the expatriate starts the closure process of the post, probably handing over to a locally based team or manager. At this point, home country HR should be back in touch with the employee, to start the career planning for the home move. However, most companies provide no post assignment guarantees, and this has a dual impact on the employee. Firstly, they will feel deeply insecure since they may have taken their family away from extended family and friends, interrupted education progr
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ammers and careers, and for what? To return home with no job? Another issue is the change in living standards. While settling down in a foreign country, they would have been offered financial incentives for the family to relocate from generous housing allowances to the payment of school fees. On returning home, these are taken away and the lifestyle that the family has become used to is radically reduced.
This is particularly a factor for Europeans coming home from the USA, where living standards are very high in comparison with the cost of living in most European cities. It is the children of expatriates that the impact can be the most pronounced, and the most dramatic, especially for teenagers caught between school systems, deep friendships and hormonal angst! Where the assignment has been a long one, there is the risk of the child becoming a Third Culture Kid far more familiar with the host culture than the home one. For them the return is a far greater challenge, as they are already at home and will be going somewhere completely foreign. Not only will they face a profound culture shock, they will also struggle with a sense of loss of identity as they leave their friends and peers behind.
Q2.How does compensation effect employee satisfaction?
Q3.What are the factors to be taken into account to ensure an optimum compensation package for executives?
Q4.How is employee benefit and labour market linked?
Q5.What are the factors that have to be determined before preparing the salary structure?
Q6.Mr.Senthil is the HR Manager of First Source Pvt. Ltd. He found that many of the employees have been doing the same work for a long period of time. He decided to enrich some of their jobs. List some of the strategies which can be used by Mr.Senthil to enrich jobs in organisations.
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Fall / August 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0016 —Performance Management and Appraisal- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1337)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1.State the components of a performance management system.
Answer : Performance management is a continuous process in this unit we will discuss the cycle of
performance management. A system is basically a set of interacting components. The components or parts of effective performance management system are:
Performance planning: This is the process of identifying employee objectives and setting job expectations and goals for each position in the company. Each department in the company usually has different expectations for its employees based on the requirements of the positions in the department. Clearly defined expectations and goals give employees the greatest opportunity for advancing in the company. During this process managers also discuss the review and feedback process of the performance management system.
Ongoing performance communication: A company is benefited by the performance management system only when there is a timely employee review and feedback system implemented in the program. Timely employee reviews and feedback sessions are dependent on the company’s business operations and human resource guidelines. These review sessions will inform employees how well they are performing in their positions and what areas need to be corrected or improved. Most companies have an annual review process, although six-month reviews are often used. Performance appraisal meetings: The supervisor and the employee meet to discuss the employees performance during the appraisal period and to discuss potential goals for the upcoming appraisal period.
Performance rewards: This is an important part of the performance management system. The thought of earning rewards for their actions, whether financial rewards or another form of benefit motivates employees. Usually an employee’s performance review is linked with the financial bonus or pay raise, which ensures that the company gets the best performance out of each employee. Other non-financial rewards such as extra time off, special company-paid vacations, gift certificates, gifts for years of service or recognition banquets may also be offered.
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Performance diagnosis and coaching: Employees who do not meet the criteria standards to be eligible for performance rewards may need additional training or coaching by their superiors to improve their job skills. Performance reviews is the starting point for the additional training; subsequent performance reviews may be scheduled to check if the employee has improved from the time of the initial review. Performance management systems are ineffective if they only reward employees for good performance. The system also needs to include training or coaching processes to ensure that all company employees are able to improve their performance.
Q2.What are the major errors that may occur during performance evaluation?
Q3.Explain the traditional methods of performance appraisal in detail.
Q4.Explain career planning in detail.
Q5.Explain the ‘Plan-Do-Review-Revise’ cycle of performance management.
Q6.Mr.Samuel D’Costa is the HR executive at Evergreen Solutions Pvt.Ltd. He found that the performance of the marketing team has been decreasing over the past four months. Suggest measures that he can take up to improve the team performance of the marketing team.
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Fall / August 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0016 —Performance Management and Appraisal- 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1337)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1.What are the aims of performance management?
Answer : One of the important objectives of performance management is identifying the strengths and weaknesses of employees and finding ways to overcome their shortcomings. This is done by evaluating employee output and the companys overall ability to meet the goals by having quarterly or annual audits. Often, after an evaluation, there will be widespread company meetings where managers and employees discuss concerns and solutions to problems.
Another objective is to discover where employees and the company are falling short. This is done by going through details such as profits earned, new clients acquired and the contribution of employees to make these things happen. Employees whose contribution are minimal or not up to the mark are counselled on how to improve performance.
The evaluation of an employees performance is based on their work output and the amount of time spent by them on the project. Although time spent in an office is not an accurate way of measuring performance, most companies still have the notion that better employees put in longer hours of work. A better way of measuring employee productivity would be to measure the output of work and the accuracy of work completed.
Overall evaluation of a company and its ability to set and reach goals is another important objective of performance management. Increasing revenue is the overall goal of any company. Other goals may be to acquire more or specific clients, develop new products or hire new talent. It is very easy to determine which of these goals have been met, because these are things that can be seen or calculated.
The inability of a company to meet the goals is mainly due to poor leadership, poor planning, poor implementation or poor employee performance. Economic factors also play a major role, but it is
better for companies to concentrate on factors that are within their control. The best way of
improving a companys overall output is motivating the employees and improving their performance.
To identify and remedy situations that hinder company performance is another important objective of performance management. This includes replacing underperforming employees, gaining new clients, developing new strategies for reaching the goals and discussing strategies that have worked in the past.
In order to meet the objectives of performance management and improve the overall performance
of a compa
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ny, every employee must work with the team members to develop new techniques and implement changes.
The aims of performance management can be summarised into the following points.
o The aims of performance management are:
o To assist in the achievement of enhanced standards of work performance of an employee or
class of employees.
o To assist employees to identify the knowledge and skills to perform their jobs efficiently.
o To ensure that the employees work towards the defined goals.
o To ensure that the employees receive regular feedback on performance.
o To assist the employees to achieve personal growth through acquiring relevant knowledge and
skills and attitudes.
o To evaluate the company and its ability to set and reach goals.
o To identify and remedy situations that are hindering company performance.
Q2.What are the features of a Performance management framework?
Q3.Explain the two psychosomatic approaches of the reward system within an organisation.
Q4.State the four essential components of 360 degree appraisal.
Q5.What are the steps to be followed while building an ethical organisational culture?
Q6.The HR department of a software company reviewed the performance of the employees. The HR Manager wants to provide feedback of the performance review to the employees. Describe the factors that have to
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be looked into while providing performance review feedback.
Fall / August 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0017 —Talent Management – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1338)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1.What is the importance of talent management?
Answer : Like human capital, talent management is gaining increased attention. Talent management (TM)
brings together a number of important human resources (HR) and management initiatives. Organisations that officially decide to manage their own talent carry out a strategic analysis of their current HR processes. This is to make sure that a co-ordinated, performance oriented approach is adopted.
Many organisations are adopting a TM approach which focuses on co-ordinating and integrating methods which are given as:
o Recruitment: To ensure the right people are attracted to the organisation.
o Retention: To develop and implement practices that reward and support employees.
o Employee development: To ensure continuous informal and formal learning and
o Leadership and “high potential employee” development: Specific development programs for existing and future leaders.
o Performance management: Specific processes that nurture and support performance, including feedback/measurement.
o Workforce planning: To plan for business and general changes, which include the older workforce and current/future skills shortages.
o Culture: To develop of a positive, progressive and high performance way of operating.
Q2.What are the top 10 talent management challenges faced by an HR?
Q3.What are the retention strategies adopted by organisations?
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Q4.List the key elements of talent management system.
Q5.The talent selection consists of five selection processes. List them.
Q6.State some of the practical steps that can be taken to improve the talent acquisition.
Fall / August 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0017 —Talent Management – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1338)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1.Explain the methods adopted to control recruitment and hiring process.
Answer : Most of the organisations irrespective of fact whether they are small, medium, or big scale companies have their own methods of hiring the candidates for the required positions. Sometimes, this process is dealt within the company itself or it is handled by some subcontractors or recruiting agencies.
Following are some of the aspects of the recruiting process:
o Get the candidates resume/CV from different job portals.
o Classify the candidates based on different criteria like experience, technology, so on.
o Send automated mails to sorted candidates for the interview.
o Schedule/reschedule the interviews.
o Manage many rounds of interviews for the candidate.
o Manage interviewers for different rounds of interview.
o Send automated mails and SMS alerts to keep the interviewers informed about the interview schedule.
o Handle interviewers remark and rating for the interviews.
o Send alerts for the scheduled interviews, hold candidates, joining candidates, so on.
o Get the soft copy of documents like experience letter, relieving letter, resignation letter, so on from previous company once the selection process ends.
o Manage background check result for the candidates.
o Get feedback report for ex-employees, ex-employee documents like experience letters, pay slips etc.
o Support different reports like hold candidates, selected candidates, candidate feedback report so on.
o Candidate information management
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o Personal information of a candidate is collected from various sources like job portals, employee referrals so on. Personal information include full name, contact number, address, email ID, designation, so on. The resume or CV (curriculum vitae) of candidate is also managed, and the soft copies of these resumes are uploaded in different formats.
Q2.India as nation stands out for it entrepreneurial and well educated talent base. Justify.
Answer : India is as nation stands out for it entrepreneurial and well educated talent base. India has a large pool of scientists, engineers and technicians. Currently a lot of importance is given to the
Q3.What are the steps to be followed while doing an assessment of an organisation?
Q4.What is the role of an HR in talent management?
Q5.Describe the five stage approach for building a competency model.
Q6.What are the four major keys involved in promotion of ethical behaviour in the workplace?
Answer : The four major keys involved in promotion of ethical behaviour in the workplace include:
1) Confess:
When employees commit a mistake and fail to raise the issue to management so that the issue can be resolved then the situation becomes worse.
Most of the times, problems increase rapidly and get larger. The situation becomes even worse when employees start blaming each other as to who was the culprit. When the employees commit mistake, the best way to resolve it is to inform their manager and take the blame. This blame game may result in complete disaster and hurt workplace morale. In most of the cases, blaming each other results in workplace enmity and work in an organisation comes to a halt.
Employees who confess their mistakes are more consistent and trustworthy, and they also have the ability to perform damage control. Managers know that if the employees willingly come forward to confess their own mistake they will be less likely to cover something up. It also proves that they have better things in their mind for the organisation to develop. The warning to this point would be to not to allow the employee repeat the same mistake.
2) Follow the book:
Another common mistake that employees do is attempting to resolve a problem by bending the rules. This results in creation of a new list of problems. Performing some acts such as backdating the documents or signing the documents for their managers might resolve the issue at that point.
But, later those fraud activities will result in some serious problems once the culprit has been found out. Hence, it is better to confess to a problem and possibly be seen as not competent enough for committing such a mistake which is a worse case situation, than covering up a problem with no ethical values, without considering the outcome. Employees even though have good intentions sometimes become too absorbed in the thought of getting something done.
3) Good communication and information:
In todays business scenario, it is evident that success of a business depends on good communication. Communication plays a crucial role in an ethical workplace because the way an employee communicates can either create or destroy the positive framework of a workplace. Some acts such as gossiping, which seem undamaging, may result in distrust and unfaithfulness through rivalry in the workplace. Open and consistent communication helps to keep employees and managers informed about the recent events. It also prevents problems and also helps in decision making in the company that are above board. Lack of communication or hiding motivations results in dilemmas around workplace ethics.
4) Consider the Problem Trio
Greed, lust, or anger can be considered as the three major problems that are the root cause for failure in workplace ethics. The best example for greed is an employee who steals or performs illegal business dealings. Greedy decisions are the outcome of a wish to get more than they deserve from their position in the company. Lust is generally seen in improper relationships that are not accepted by any organisation. For example, a manager/assistant relationship can create a direct and negative impact on working environment and also serve to erode the organisations chain of command depending on wrong fraternisation. Anger is mostly seen in employees who have the feeling that the organisation owes them something because of poor working environment, bad
salary, or other disturbances. In this case, employees more often become greedy or choose a self- destructive form of action against the organisation.
Workplace behavioural ethics are applicable to any job, any industry, or any organisational environment. Employees who have high morale, strong character, and solid communication are the signs of an ethical workplace. It is very important to present yourself in an ethical manner to ensure a moral workplace.
Summer /May 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0018 —Change Management – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1339)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. How do change managers recognize resistance of employees to change?
Answer : It is important to be able to spot the resistance to change when it occurs rather than get surprised when the change mysteriously fails. Identifying the same will help you to respond appropriately to it. This is one of the biggest challenges faced by the change managers. If you can catch the resistance early, it will then give you a chance to respond to it before it takes hold, hence, effectively nipping it in the bud. Let us first look into some of the early signs of resistance.
These can be in the form of:
When a change is announced, the tom-toms will start beating loudly and the grapevine will bear fruits of much and varied opinion. Keep your ear to the ground so as to know what is being said around the coffee points. Listen particularly for declarations of intent and attempts to organize resistance.
Grumbling and complaints are natural ways of airing discomfort, so you should not try to squash it as this will anyway lead you to failure. The biggest danger happens when it is allowed to ferment in an information vacuum.
Respond to the gossip by opening it up, show that you are listening to the concerns and that are taking them seriously. Providing lots of valid information will help to fill the vacuum.
Just as a high school class tests a teacher’s ability to maintain discipline, so will some brave souls test out what would happen when they resist the change. An example, the resisters may not turn up to a meeting or may openly challenge a decision.
How you deal with such early resistance has a significant effect on what happens next. For example, you can shout at them and hurt their sentiments, or you can take an adult position, describe what they have done and assertively question their motives.
Resistance to change can occur in two ways, namely:
Individual action
Individuals, may resist, however, this is generally limited to the extent of their personal power. For those with a lower power, this may include passive refusals and covert action. For those with more power, the resistance may include open challenge and criticism.
An individual action must be handled individually. It should be started with those who possess a greater power and then the message gets automatically conveyed to those below.
An example of dealing with an individual who is resisting change: Disciplining a senior executive can send a strong signal to the other resistors.
Collective action
People generally do not bother of organising unless and until they have serious issues with the change. This gives rise to what is known as organised resistance. Organised resistance is usually a sign of a serious problem. When these people find a common voice in the organised resistance, then their words and actions could create a significant threat to the change, even though they might be individually less powerful.
Care should be taken while managing the collectives. It should be done by negotiating with their leaders rather than dealing with a myriad of smaller fires. You may be needed to make some concessions, but you can see to it that at least at the end of the negotiation you should be able to rescue some key elements of the change. You can also use the ‘divide and conquer’ approach, by striking deals with the individual key players; although this must be done carefully as it can cause a serious backlash.
An example of a collective action against resistance to change: Trade Union.
Resistance need not always be out in the open, in most cases it often starts out in a more underhand, covert way. Thus, we can conclude that resistance to change is basically expressed in two ways. These include:
Covert resistance
Covert resistance is the deliberate form of resistance to change, but done in a manner such that it allows the perpetrators to seem as though they are not resisting.
Covert resistance should be handled by showing that you know what is happening and investigations should be so designed so as to identify the people responsible.
When the resistance is covert in nature, you may also be required to resort to covert methods to identify the source and hence take appropriate action.
An example of covert resistance being expressed can be through the sabotage of various kinds.
Overt resistance
Overt resistance does not try to hide, as it is the result of either of someone comfortable with their power, or someone for whom covert acts are against their values, or someone who may be desperate.
Deal with the overt resistance by first seeking to respond openly and authentically. If they are blindly resisting, then you will be left with no alternative but to defend, for example by isolating and disciplining the culprits.
Although overt active resistance is potentially damaging, it is at least visible and there is the option of using formal disciplinary actions.
An example of overt resistance being expressed can be in the form of an open argument such as refusal or attack.
Another aspect of the overt resistance is that it does not necessarily need to take positive action as in some cases it can be passive.
Overt resistance can be expressed through two types of actions. They are:
Passive resistance
Passive resistance occurs when people do not take any specific action. Their main tool will be to refuse to collaborate with the change. They may agree and then do nothing to fulfill their commitments. This could become very difficult to address, as the resisters would have particularly not done anything wrong.
One way to address this is by getting the public commitment to an action, and by following it up publicly if required. This will ensure that they complete the action. This process should be repeated until they are either bought in or they give in.
For example, during meetings, they may sit quietly and appear to agree with the change.
Active resistances
Active resistance occurs when people take specific and deliberate action to resist the change.
It may be made overt, with public statements and acts of resistance, or it may be made covert, such as organizing others to create an underground resistance movement.
Thus, we have seen the different ways of recognising resistance.
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Q2. Explain any two Process based change models.
Q3. Describe in detail transformation through McKinsey’s plan.
Q4. What are the challenges that managers face in implementing successful change?
Q5. What are the requirements for making organisational change?
Q6. Explain the Greiner’s Growth Model of organizational growth in detail.
Summer /May 2012
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 4
MU0018 —Change Management – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1339)
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)
Note: Each Question carries 10 marks. Answer all the questions.
Q1. What are the five disciplines associated with the organisational learning?
Answer : There are mainly five disciplines associated with the organisational learning. They are:
o Systems thinking.
o Team learning.
o Shared vision.
o Mental models.
o Personal mastery.
The five core disciplines in the organisation learning can be explained as follows:
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Systems thinking: This is an art which mainly focuses on relationship of many parts of the system. This helps to work with the system rather than against the system. It also helps to learn something about the systematic behaviours. This also helps you to find out some of the unique terminologies and tools that are applicable only in this field.
Team learning: This happens when the people are working together in a group on something. The people can learn more when they are working in a team rather than individually since different people will have different ideas in the team. This can be improved by following different kind of conversations and an amount of honesty and mutual respect for others in the organisation. This can be very excellent when you are doing the things properly and you have the knowledge of specific tools.
Shared vision: This will only happen when all the individuals in the organisation know the vision of the organisation and know what the company is doing. This needs the commitment of all the individuals to work towards achieving the goals. This will be excellent when one understands how the organisation is working overall and matching the personal goals with the organisational goals.
Mental models: These associate with how the world works and these include the beliefs and assumptions. This totally involves the decisions we make at every stage of life. The decisions we take in life to some activities include the behaviours of others. This discipline helps us to test the deep assumptions and beliefs.
Personal mastery: This involves the name you have to make in the lifetime. This helps you to achieve your personal goals by making use of the personal mastery in an honest way. There need to be willingness from the heart to make efforts and take risks.
Apart from the disciplines which are core to the organisational learning there are also some of the other disciplines which are helpful. They can be explained as follows:
Corporate culture: This influences the environment in which we work every day. This includes the factors like policies, beliefs, activities and rituals that define the personality of the organisation. The culture of the company can increase or decrease the capacity to learn, encourage the creativity and so on. This can be well maintained by carefully maintaining the behaviours with everyone in the organisation.
Corporate social responsibility: This explains how the business world affects the society around it. This concentrates on the responsibilities beyond the industry. This involves the effects of the firm on the neighbourhoods, public sector, educational institutions and families which are interlinked in the society. The social responsibility of the corporate mainly focuses on these interconnections.
Dialogue: This is the discipline which plays an important role in the communication. This provides the tools and techniques, which is difficult to follow at first and becomes easy as it is practiced.
Leadership: This mainly focuses on the roles of managers and leaders for the success of the change process in the organisation. This involves the movement of an organisation leadership from the traditional to the more flexible, self organising leadership.
Sustainability: This mainly focuses on the sustainability of an organisation in regard to the resources of the organisation. If we continuously use the resources there may be depletion of resources. So the sustainability helps us to manage the human needs with the natural cycle.
Work/life balance: It mainly concentrates on how to balance both the work and non work life. This requires the proper
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decision to be taken to set the priorities both for the work and non work lives.
Q2. Describe the role of leaders in managing change.
Q3. What are the skills and ability required for the role of change agent?
Q5. What are the three dimensions of organisational structure?
Q6. Change management plays an important role in any organisation, as the task of managing change is not an easy one. Justify.