3rd sem IT
MI0024 — Software Engineering
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester III
MI0024 — Software Engineering -2 Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks)
Q 1. What is software? What are the applications of software?
A software refers to instructions which when executed provide desired function and performance and data structures that enable the programs to adequately manipulate information, and documents describing the operation and the use of the software. It refers to a set of instructions also known as program.
Software Applications:
The application of software is based on the nature of instructions in a particular area. If the set of instructions are structured well it is appropriate to develop software for such application. Development becomes easy and convenient depending on the degree of structure. Higher the degree better it is to develop the software for such applications. Information content and determinacy play an important role in determining the nature of a software application. Content means the form of incoming and outgoing information.
Information determinacy refers to the predictions of the order and timing of information. It is difficult to develop generic categories for software applications. The following software areas indicate potential applications.
System software: It is a collection of programs written to serve other programs e.g. Complier and interpreter. Other systems applications like the operating system components, drivers, and telecommunication processors process largely indeterminate data.
Real-time software: Events that are real world based if possible to be controlled by programs are referred to as programmable events. Such programs control the entire event and act as a monitor or as an analyzer of the real-world events. Such software is known as real time software.
Business Software: Business software refers to applications in the areas of business. Such software is mainly useful in decision making and transactions that facilitates business operations or management decision making.
Engineering and scientific software: Engineering and scientific software have been developed mainly to deal with “number crunching” algorithms. Applications range from astronomical science to seismology to molecular biology to automated manufacturing. Computer-aided design, system simulation, and other interactive applications have gained prominence.
Personal software: the personal computer software like the word processing, spreadsheets, computer graphics, multimedia, entertainment, database management, personal and business financial applications, external network, and database access are some of the applications.
Web-based software: the web pages are a software applications page that incorporates executable instructions performing one or more tasks.
Artificial intelligence software: it uses non-numerical algorithms to solve complex problems. Expert systems, also called knowledge based systems, pattern recognition, artificial nature networks, and game playing are representative of applications within this category.
Q.2. Explain decomposition technique.
Decomposition of project scope generally involves the following activities:
- Gather information on major project deliverables and analyze related tasks
- Start development of work breakdown structure (WBS) at the highest level
- Decompose the upper WBS levels into lower level detailed components
- Identify each work package & WBS components with unique code, and
- Verify if the degree of decomposition of the work is necessary and sufficient
- No. of Levels of WBS need not be same for all deliverables
Q.3. (a). Write a short note on project scheduling & tracking
In the process of development and delivery of the software it is found that most of the tome the delivery of the finished product is delayed. There are many reasons that could be attributed to the delayed delivery of the product. Some of the reasons which lead to the delay of the project are listed below.
- Very often the requirements are not clearly stated by the customer and this leads to further changes in the developments which on the whole cause a delay in the project completion.
- Setting up of deadlines which are unrealistic based on the inputs from agencies outside the software development group.
- Improper or underestimated amount of the effort and the number of the resource required to do the job.
- Inaccurate tools to monitor and track the project progress.
- Certain risks that were not considered during the planning process leading to development of bottlenecks in the project.
- Also there could be one or more problems related to the technicalities in the project.
- Improper communication systems within and outside the development area of the software.
Q. 3. (b). How do you define a task set for the software project?
It is not always possible to define a unique set of task which would be appropriate for all types of projects. It is dependent on the size of the project, complexities involved in the project, constrains of the projects and the skill set and capabilities of the team members working on the project. The task set is defined based on the category of the project which is dealt with by the development team.
The categories of project work that are normally encountered are:
1. Projects dealing with development of new concepts in business.
2. Projects dealing with development of new applications in business as indicated in the requirements list stated by the customer.
3. Projects dealing with the enhancement of existing facilities in the product.
4. Project dealing with maintenance aspects of the business modules or applications.
5. Project dealing with total new structure or restructuring an old system into a new system or application leading to reengineering.