3rd Sem MH – Spring 2016
DRIVE- spring 2016
PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 3), MBADS (Sem 3 / Sem 5), PGDHSMN (Sem 1)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0051 – Health Administration
BOOK ID- B1212
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Explain the healthcare delivery systems in India and their functions.
(Listing the healthcare delivery systems, Explanation with functions)
Healthcare delivery systems
In India Healthcare Delivery system is represented by five major sectors or agencies that differ from each other by the health
Q2. Discuss the National health programs for blindness and cancer.
(Explanation of National health programs for blindness. Explanation of National health programs for cancer)
National health programs for blindness
Vision loss from cataract is one of the chief reasons of blindness in India. One and a half million new cases of cataract blindness occur every year, and affect individuals, families, and communities. The greater part of people with cataract blindness live in rural areas where their blindness is related to poverty, lack of
Q.3:List the occupational diseases most prevalent in work place. Discuss their prevention methods.
Listing the occupational diseases most prevalent in work place
Explanation of prevention methods of any 4 occupational diseases
Listing the occupational diseases most prevalent in work place:
The most common type of occupational diseases are:
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS)
- Sick
Q4. Define health insurance. Explain the relationship and problems in hospitals/TPAs and Insurance companies.
(Definition, Explanation of relationship between hospitals/TPAs and Insurance companies Explanation of problems between hospitals/TPAs and Insurance companies) 1,4,5
Health insurance is insurance that pays for medical expenses. It is sometimes used more broadly to include insurance covering disability or long-term nursing or custodial care needs. It may be provided through a government-sponsored social insurance program, or from private insurance companies. It may be bought
Q.5:Discuss the government programs for nurturing newborns.
Listing the government programs for nurturing newborns
Explanation of programs for nurturing newborns
Listing the government programs for nurturing newborns:
- Home-based new born care
Q.6: Explain the management methods and techniques of health planning.
Mentioning the management methods and techniques
Explanation of management methods and techniques
Mentioning the management methods and techniques:
DRIVE- spring 2016
PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 3), MBADS (Sem 3 / Sem 5), PGDHSMN (Sem 1)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0052 – Hospital Organization, Operations and Planning
BOOK ID- B1213
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Classify hospitals and explain the various functions of hospitals.
(Classification of hospitals, Explanation of various functions of hospitals)_6,4
Classification of hospital
There are different classifications of a hospital, based on objectives; size of hospital; system of medicine followed; level of care provided; nature of ownership and revenue generation.
Q.2: Define medical record. Describe the policies and procedures adopted in the medical records department.
Listing the various policies and procedures
Explanation of various policies and procedures of the MRD
A „medical record‟ is defined as a systematic documentation of patient personal/social data along with history of his/her ailments, clinical findings, investigations, diagnosis, treatment given, follow-up and final
Q.3: Discuss the essential principles for managing hospital materials.
Listing the 7 essential principles
Explanation of 7 essential principles
Listing the 7 essential principles:
The seven underlying principles are Quantity, Price, Source, Delivery Methods, People and the most
Q.4: Discuss in brief the planning, design and staffing of a billing department in a hospital.
Brief outline of billing department
Explanation of planning billing department
Explanation of designing billing department
Explanation of staffing billing department
Brief outline of billing department:
The Central billing department plays an important role, as liaison office between the management and the
Q5. Discuss the objectives and principles of hospital planning.
(Explanation of objectives, Explanation of principles)5,5
The main objectives of hospital planning are:
- To provide more hospital-beds for the community.
- Modern day hospitals are heading towards providing institutionalized care
Q6. Imagine that you are appointed as a consultant for setting up pharmacy in a tertiary care teaching hospital. What are the planning considerations you have to keep in your mind before executing the task?
(Importance of pharmacy in a hospital, Planning considerations)2,8
The organizational structure in a tertiary care
DRIVE- Spring 2016
PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 3), MBADS (Sem 3 / Sem 5), PGDHSMN (Sem 1)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0053 – Hospital & Healthcare Information Management
BOOK ID- B1214
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q.1: Explain the domains and benefits of Health Management Information System (HMIS). (3, 7)
A Domains of Health Management Information System
Benefits of Health Management Information System
Domains of Health Management Information System:
The data needed in a comprehensive health management information system ranges from birth, morbidity and mortality data, to type and location of
Q.2: Discuss the issues with the existing HMIS in India. (10)
A Discussing all the categories of issues
Discussing all the categories of issues:
There are several problems associated with the existing HMIS in India. To facilitate elaborate discussion, we can classify them into structural, procedural, technological and human resources related issues. The available research findings suggest that HMIS in many of the African and Asian countries is very weak and suffers the same limitations as India.
Q.3: Discuss the important applications of Hospital Information System. (10)
Discussing 10 important applications
Discussing 10 important applications:
Patient Management
allows a wide variety of interactive enquiries into patient data with the data provided in line and update in real time.
Allows monitoring of clinical and financial information flowing into patient database and checks completeness and status of
Q.4: Explain the various modules of Hospital Information System. (10)
A Explanation of 10 important modules of Hospital Information System
Explanation of 10 important modules of Hospital Information System
The following is a list of various hospital management and information modules and their respective functions and salient features.
Q.5: Discuss the components of quality assurance in health care. (2, 8)
Mentioning the various components of quality assurance in healthcare
Explanation of the components of quality assurance in healthcare
Mentioning the various components of quality assurance in healthcare:
The main four components of Quality Assurance (QA) include
Q.6: Explain Telemedicine in detail. (10)
A Explaining all the important aspects of telemedicine
Explaining all the important aspects of telemedicine
Telemedicine is a part of E-health. Telemedicine is the exchange of medical information through an audiovisual medium. It is usually done when the
DRIVE- Spring 2016
PROGRAM- MBA (Sem 3), MBADS (Sem 3 / Sem 5), PGDHSMN (Sem 1)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MH0054 – Finance, Economics and Planning in Healthcare Services
BOOK ID- B1215
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Discuss the importance of financial information in healthcare organisations. Add a note on elements of the financial reports.
(Brief explanation of the importance of financial information in healthcare organizations, Explanation of the elements of the financial reports)
Importance of financial information in healthcare organizations
Healthcare organisations are quite similar to most large business corporations. Running them efficiently means putting in place of a Financial Information System (FIS) that operates effectively on all levels, from individual
Q.2: Explain the claims process in healthcare organisations.
Explaining the claim process for cashless hospitalization and claim reimbursement
Explaining the claim process for cashless hospitalization and claim reimbursement:
Cashless hospitalisation
To avail cashless hospitalization treatment at network hospitals:
Step 1: The insurance company provides the list of network hospitals offering cashless facility for
Q.3: Discuss the types of taxes. Add a note on service tax on healthcare organisations.
Types of taxes
Service tax on healthcare organizations
Types of taxes:
There are basically two types of taxes, Direct and Indirect taxes. Directtaxes are collected by the government directly from the tax payer through levies such as income tax, wealth tax and interest tax.
Q.4: Explain different methods of evaluation of healthcare services.
Listing the different methods of evaluation of healthcare services
Explanation of methods of evaluation of healthcare services
Listing the different methods of evaluation of healthcare services:
- Marginal analysis
- Cost-effectiveness
- Cost-benefits analysis
- Cost-utility analysis
Q.5: Define cost accounting. Explain the various categories of costs.
Definition of cost accounting
Mentioning various categories of costs
Explanation of various categories of costs
Definition of cost accounting:
Cost accounting is the classification, recording and appropriate allocation of expenditure for the
Q.6: Explain the importance of healthcare planning. Add a note of types of healthcare planning.
Importance of healthcare planning
Types of healthcare planning
Importance of healthcare planning:
Healthcare planning is done to meet the health care needs of target population. There are a wide variety of health care systems around the world. In some nations, the healthcare system planning is distributed among