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These are just questions for reference . To check samples see our latest uploads in blog archive or search assignments

1 Explain the concept of book building and methods or guidelines of book building with 75 and 100 % of book building.

A Explanation of concept of book building

Methods and guidelines of book building

75% book building

100% book building


2 Issue management is one of the important functions of merchant bankers and lead bankers. Explain the two types of activities pre issue obligation and post issue obligation. Also write on the concept of Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA)

A Explanation of pre issue obligation

Explanation of post issue obligation

Introduction of ASBA


3 Write short notes on:

a)Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and its role

b) Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds(FCCB)

A Introduction of FDI and its role

Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCB)


4 Depository helps in the transfer of securities from one investor to another in an electronic form. Write the differences between Bank and Depository. Explain the functions performed by Depository.

A Differences between Bank Vs Depository

Explanation of functions performed by Depository


5 Every investor has his own risk perceptions and objectives of investment. Write about Mutual funds also write down about the benefits and disadvantages of Mutual funds which is very essential for all the investors to know.

A Introduction of mutual funds

Benefits of mutual funds

Disadvantages of mutual funds


6 Rating methodology is used by the major Indian credit rating agencies. Explain on the main factors that are analyzed in credit rating agencies and also on the limitations on the limitations of credit rating.

A Explanation on factors analyzed in credit rating agencies

Limitations of credit rating




1 Risk is used to describe any situation involving an uncertainty about the outcome. What is the meaning of risk management? Explain the Risk Management process and methods with a flow chart.

A Introduction of risk management

Explanation of risk management process

Explanation of risk management methods

Flow Chart


2 Insurance industry is highly regulated in all the countries.

Explain on solvency margin and methods of determining solvency margins. Write down the claim procedures in respect of a general insurance policy.

A Introduction of solvency margin

Methods of determining solvency margins

Explanation of claim procedures in respect of a general insurance policy


3 What do you understand by the concept of insurable interest? Write down about the essentials, creation and application of insurable interest.

How does a life insurance plan work and write about the two key elements.

Also write about riders.

A Explanation on concept of insurable interest

Essentials, creation and application of insurable interest

Explanation on life insurance plan with two elements

Explanation on riders


4 Liability insurance is classified into two categories. Explain on the types of liability policies and explain on aviation insurance with all the three section of the policy.

A Explanation on types of liability policies

Explanation on aviation insurance with three section of the policy


5 When a policy has been issued, the risk for the danger insured against gets covered.

Explain on the evidence and claim notice. Also write about the Extent of liability

A Explanation on the evidence and claim notice

Explanation on extent of liability


6 Insurance Ombudsman was created for quick disposal of the grievances of the insured customers. Write the complete information on Insurance Ombudsman.

A Explanation on Insurance Ombudsman




Students, Get Completely solved SMU MBA Spring 2014 assignments from authorized organization

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or Call us at : +91 9995105420
These are just questions for reference . To check samples see our latest uploads in blog archive or search assignments

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