MU0013:HR Audit – Spring 2016
Drive | SPRING2016 |
Semester | 3 |
Subject code&name | MU0013:HR Audit |
BookID | B1735 |
Credit &Marks | 4 CREDIT, 60 MARKS |
*Note–Answerallquestions.Kindlynotethatanswersfor10marksquestionsshouldbeapproximatelyof 400 words. Eachquestion is followed byevaluation scheme.
No |
Question | Marks | TotalMarks |
1 | Statethe key objectivesof human resourceplanning? ExplainImportance and Process of human resource planning? | 10 | |
Objectives of HRP | 4 | ||
Importance ofHRP | 2 | ||
Process of HRP | 4 | ||
2 | Discuss themethods used intheHRAudit process. | 10 | |
Explain the methodsused in theHR Audit process | 10 | ||
3 | WhatisHRScorecard?ExplainthereasonsforimplementingHRScorecard framework. | 10 | |
Meaning ofHR Scorecard | 2 | ||
Reasons for implementingHR Scorecardframework. | 8 | ||
4 | What ismeantby ‘Competency mapping’?Explain the various
competencies and the associatedbehavioralaspects. |
10 | |
Meaning ofcompetencymapping | 3 | ||
Explanation anysevencompetencies alongwith the behavioral | 7 | ||
aspects | |||
5 | Find outthe details andadvantages of BalancedScorecardSoftware. NamefewBalancedScorecardSoftware. | 10 | |
detailsandadvantages ofBalancedScorecard Software. | 8 | ||
Examples of balancedscorecardsoftware | 2 | ||
6 | Write short notes on thefollowing:
(i) Audit for HR Planning(ii) Audit for HR Climate |
10 | |
(i) Concept of AuditforHR Planning | 5 | ||
(ii)Concept of AuditforHRClimate | 5 |