QM0010 – Foundations of Quality Management
QM0010 – Foundations of Quality Management
Summer 2013
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3
QM0010 – Foundations of Quality Management
Q1. List the different approaches to Quality. Discuss Juran’s views on Quality.
(Approaches — 5 marks, Views — 5 marks) 10 marks
Answer : Different approaches to quality :
Organisations have continually looked for new ways to improve consistency and quality in their products and services. Management fads may come and go but many of the underlying ideas around quality remain the same. Here’s how the works of Deming, Juran and Crosby remain at the heart of quality approaches like TQM and Six Sigma.
Q2. a. Describe the factors determining the customer satisfaction.
(Factors — 5 marks)
Answer : Factors determining the customer satisfaction :
Customer satisfaction is the overall impression of customer about the supplier and the products and services delivered by the supplier. Following are the important factors that could affect customer satisfaction:
- Department wise capability of the supplier.
- Technological and engineering or re-engineering aspects of products and services.
Q3. Write short notes on:
a. Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
(Explanation — 5 marks)
Answer : Quality Function Deployment :
Quality function deployment (QFD) is a “method to transform user demands into design quality, to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the manufacturing process.”, as described by Dr. Yoji Akao, who originally developed QFD in Japan in 1966, when the author combined his work in quality assurance and quality control points with function deployment used in value engineering.
Q4. a. Explain Quality Assurance.
(Explanation — 5 marks)
Answer : Quality Assurance :
Quality Assurance is a system of measures and controls established within an organisation to try and manage (hence Assure) the Quality of the goods or services being provided. An effective Quality Assurance scheme should ensure a consistent and acceptable level of quality is being achieved in goods or services delivered to customers.
- Quality Assurance is a natural evolution of the more traditional “Quality Control” which relied almost totally on end of line inspection to weed out and identify failures.
Q5. a. Describe the main features of Quality Control and Inspection.
(Features — 5 marks)
Answer : Features of Quality Control and Inspection :
1. Quality Control activities include inspection and testing of the products or services after they are produced and just before their delivery to the customers. The inspection and testing activities are carried out to check conformity of the product with specifications / requirements. If any of the products are not in conformance with the specifications, they are quarantined / segregated and the actions as specified (repair, re grade, scrap) are initiated.
Q6. Explain the importance of service quality. Discuss the measurement of service quality.
(Meaning — 1 mark, Importance — 4 marks, Measurement — 5 marks)
Answer : Service quality :
From the viewpoint of business administration, service quality is an achievement in customer service. It reflects at each service encounter. Customers form service expectations from past experiences, word of mouth and advertisement.
Importance of service quality :