MB0043 — Human Resource Management
MB0043 — Human Resource Management
Summer 2013
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1
MB0043 — Human Resource Management – 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1626)
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should not exceed 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.Define Human resource planning (HRP). Explain the objectives and process of HRP.
Answer : Human resource planning :
Human resources planning is a process that identifies current and future human resources needs for an organization to achieve it goals. Human resources planning should serve as a link between human resources management and the overall strategic plan of an organization. Aging worker populations in most western countries and growing demands for qualified workers in developing economies have underscored the importance of effective Human Resources Planning. As defined by Bulla and Scott (1994), human resource planning is ‘the process for ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements’.
Objectives of HRP :
- To recruit and maintain the HR of requisite quantity and quality.
- To predict the employee turnover and make the arrangements for minimizing turnover and filing up of consequent vacancies.
- To meet the requirements of the programmes of expansion, diversification etc.
To anticipate the impact of technology on work, existing employees and future human
Q2.What are the factors affecting recruitment? What are the sources of recruitment?
Answer : Meaning of recruitment process :
Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, selecting, and onboarding a qualified person for a job. At the strategic level it may involve the development of an employer brand which includes an ’employee offering’. The stages of the recruitment process include: job analysis and developing a person specification; the sourcing of candidates by networking, advertising, or other search methods; matching candidates to job requirements and screening individuals using testing (skills or personality assessment); assessment of candidates’ motivations and their fit with organisational requirements by interviewing and other assessment techniques. The recruitment process also includes the making and finalizing of job offers and the induction and onboarding of new employees.
Factors affecting recruitment :
a. Internal factors:
I. Size of the organization
Q3.What are the main objectives of training? Explain on-the job and off the job training.
Answer : Meaning of training :
Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one’s capability, capacity, and performance. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology.
Objectives of training :
1. To increase productivity-
Instructions can help employees increase their level of performance on their present assignment. Increased human performance often leads to increased operational productivity and increased company profit.
Q4.Define performance management. Write a brief note on 360 degree appraisal.
Answer :Definition of performance management :
Performance management (PM) includes activities which ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a product of service, as well as many other areas. PM is also known as a process by which organizations align their resources, systems and employees to strategic objectives and priorities. Performance management as referenced on this page in a broad term coined by Dr. Aubrey Daniels in the late 1970s to describe a technology for managing both behavior and results, two critical elements of what is known as performance.
360 Degree appraisal :
360-Degree Feedback is also known as full-circle feedback, multirater feedback, multi-level feedback,
Q5.What is meant by job analysis? Explain its purpose and methods.
Answer : Meaning of job analysis :
Job analysis is the formal process of identifying the content of a job in terms activities involved and attributes needed to perform the work and identifies major job requirements. Job analysis was conceptualized by two of the founders of industrial/organizational psychology, Frederick Taylor and Lillian Moller Gilbreth in the early 20th century. Job analyses provide information to organizations which helps to determine which employees are best fit for specific jobs.
Purpose of job analysis :
1.Recruitment and Selection:
Job Analysis helps in determining what kind of person is required to perform a particular job. It points out the educational qualifications, level of experience and technical, physical, emotional and personal skills required to carry out a job in desired fashion. The objective is to fit a right person at a right place.
Q6.What are the benefits and objectives of employee welfare measures?
Answer : Employee welfare :
Employee welfare in general, these are the benefits that an employee must receive from his/her company, like allowances, housing for those companies who provides, transportation, medical, insurances, food and some other way where the employee has rights to demand.
Benefits of employee welfare:
1.Compliance :
- As a business owner, you are required by law to provide certain benefits for the welfare of your employees.