Summer 2013
Manipal- 576104
Name :………………………..
Registration No. :……………………….
Learning Center :……………………….
Learning Center Code :………………………
Course :……………………….
Subject :……………………….
Semester :……………………….
Module No. :……………………….
Date of submission :……………………….
Marks awarded :……………………….
Directorate of Distance Education
Important Note to the Students:
– The student must submit all the assignments given per course per semester to the learning Center.
– Assignment marks will be accounted for your Internal Assessment.
– Assignments should be submitted within the time given.
– Please answer all the Assignments on ruled sheets.
– Write in your own handwriting
– Write in your own words. Do not copy. Assignments which are not original/copied shall be awarded zero marks.
– Write neatly and legibly in the prescribed format Comments by the Subject Evaluator: (Subject expert will give comments on overall content, reliability, correctness and appropriateness of information provided)
Suggestions for improvement: (Subject expert will give areas of improvement and possible ways/ methods to follow to improve)
1. Ensure that you answer all questions according to the marks allocated.
2. Content that has been directly copied from the Internet will NOT be accepted.
3. Please attempt all the assignments individually and independently. Assignments that have been copied and shared among students will be automatically rejected and disqualified.
4. All students must sign the acknowledgement sheet while submitting assignments.
5. Follow assignment format and complete all the details for each assignment individually.