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3 a. Explain how to solve the degeneracy in transportation problems. b. Explain the procedure of MODI method of finding solution through optimality test. ( a. Degeneracy in transportation problem , b. Procedure of MODI method)

February 27, 2015 By: Meliza Category: 1st SEM

Answer:- a.   Degeneracy in transportation problem

A basic solution to an m-origin, n destination transportation problem can have at the most m+n-1 positive basic variables (non-zero), otherwise the basic solution degenerates. It follows that whenever the number of basic cells is less than m + n – 1, the transportation problem is a degenerate one. The degeneracy can develop in two ways:

Case 1 – The degeneracy develops while determining an initial assignment via any one of the initial assignment methods discussed earlier. (more…)